The Bouquet SpeculumTM is a quality product that has been patented and FDA-cleared. This is a very inexpensive way to screen and treat cervical cancer. Because of its ease of use, better visualization of the cervix and comfort for the patient, we feel that it will become the “gold standard” in portable, inexpensive cervical cancer screening kits. We have applied for a U.S. patent for the Cervical Cancer Cure Kits.
With the help of Global Cancer Care and Research Institute and Project C.U.R.E and Rocky Vista University, our non-profit, Cure Cervical Cancer, Inc., will mature to become a scaled-up, sustainable organization whose sole purpose is to provide screening and treatment kits for cervical cancer to areas where women are not typically screened.
Jean M. Bouquet, DO, FAWM
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Cure Cervical Cancer, Inc. has partnered with Project C.U.R.E. whose mission is to distribute used and new medical equipment and C.U.R.E. kits to areas of need. We have screened 225 women thus far in Paraguay and Panama. With these kits, we have detected and treated 24 women for precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. The price to screen and treat a woman is $5.00 USD. Global Cancer Care and Research Institute is conducting the first ever clinical study on the use of these kits in Nyeri County, Kenya. This is a tremendous value for the money granted. No other cancer screening and treatment, can be accomplished for this value.