Cure Cervical Cancer, Inc., in partnership with PROJECT C.U.R.E., has screened over 225 women so far in Paraguay and Panama and have discovered 24 pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions on the cervix that were treated on the spot.
Cure Cervical Cancer, Inc. is providing the Cervical Cancer Cure Kit, in order to screen more effectively with an improved, 5-petaled vaginal speculum using vinegar (acetic acid) in lieu of the expensive PAP in low-resource countries. We can screen every woman for $5.
"Breast cancer has received consistent national attention for early screening and intervention. Cervical cancer costs billions of dollars and countless lives lost on a worldwide basis and has much more specific, inexpensive and easily obtained screening for early treatment than virtually any cancer. Even seasoned physicians have consistent trouble getting adequate pap samples in America in part due to the poor design of the speculum."
Dr. Jill Pitcher, Past-President of the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine.
"This model provides an answer to the common problem of visualization of the cervix as well as being inexpensive, completely mobile and providing good light. It looks like an easy winner in my office.”
Dr. Jill Pitcher
"The PAP smear, in my opinion, is the most powerful tool in the history of medicine to detect precancerous changes such that no woman should ever die from cervical cancer."
Dr. David Fishman, an expert on women's cancers at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York
"We must increase our efforts to make sure that all women understand the importance of getting screened for cervical cancer. No woman should die from cervical cancer."
CDC's deputy director, Dr. Ileana Arias